Exercises, Nutrition, Whole Health

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) occurs when the median nerve in the wrist/hand is compressed, leading to numbness, tingling, and pain. Home care involves reducing hand/wrist stress, using a wrist splint, and incorporating anti-oxidant-rich foods. If symptoms worsen, seek medical attention to prevent permanent damage. Specific exercises can help alleviate mild to moderate symptoms.

Exercises, Whole Health

Falls Are Preventable

It's wise to incorporate balance training, alongside physical activity and strength training, to prevent falls. Any activity that keeps you moving, like walking, supports good balance. Home exercises and movements like wall push-ups, planks, and deadlifts can strengthen the lower body and promote stability. Regular balance exercises are essential for maintaining stability.

Exercises, Whole Health

Interval Training

Interval training involves alternating between short bursts of intense activity and longer intervals of less intense activity. It can be done with or without equipment and offers benefits such as burning more calories, increasing exercise efficiency, and improving aerobic capacity. It can be personalized based on individual capability and should be started cautiously, especially for beginners.

Exercises, Whole Health

Alleviate Arthritis Pain with Exercise

Living with osteoarthritis and stiff joints can bring reluctance to move, but inactivity can worsen the pain. Exercise increases blood flow to the joint, helping to increase flexibility, decrease bone loss, and control joint swelling. It is important to warm up, keep impact low, move slowly, cool down, and not overdo it.

Exercises, Whole Health

Flex and Stretch While Sitting

Sitting for extended periods can have negative effects on health, including increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain. It can also lead to muscle atrophy, stiffness, and back pain. To mitigate these effects, take breaks, perform stretches, and engage in moderate activity throughout the day. Here are exercises and stretches that can be performed at your desk.

Exercises, Whole Health

A Quick Exercise To Do At Work … or anywhere

The Basic Chair Squat exercises the buns, hips and thighs and it can be done any time / anywhere!  Squats are one of the best lower body exercises.  This particular squat is easy on beginners and folks with knee issues.  And it's a good functional exercise because it mimics everyday movements.  Here's how to do… Continue reading A Quick Exercise To Do At Work … or anywhere